
FDI / Foreign Exchange Management Act(FEMA)

With the objective of monitoring and regulating the inflow and outflow of Indian and foreign funds, the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 was enacted. Governed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), FEMA entails various compliance requirements, filings, reporting obligations, and disclosures outlined in Master Circulars issued by the RBI.

At Zenaray, we provide guidance and updates on provisions relevant to organizations, facilitating compliance with necessary reporting obligations arising from transactions involving foreign entities or individuals.

Our assistance encompasses:

  • Facilitating compliance when organizations accept investments from individuals or organizations located outside India, leading to the allotment or transfer of shares (Foreign Direct Investment).
  • Providing guidance on compliance when organizations receive international investments and subsequently invest funds in other entities within India (downstream investment).
  • Advising on permissible modes or thresholds for accepting investments from individuals or entities situated outside India.
  • Assisting with the registration, preparation, and submission of requisite documents under the Entity Master Form (EMF), Single Master Form (SMF), and the Foreign Liabilities and Assets Information Reporting (Flair) System.
  • Supporting organizations intending to invest in a Body Corporate situated outside India (Overseas Direct Investment).

Our approach is characterized by meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to ensuring compliance with FEMA regulations, thereby enabling organizations to navigate the complexities of foreign exchange transactions with confidence and clarity.

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