Vetting & Drafting


Vetting & Drafting

Agreements, deeds, policies, and charter documents serve as foundational instruments that delineate organizational objectives and streamline processes and procedures.

At Zenaray, we provide invaluable assistance in their preparation and offer guidance to comprehend and draft agreements, contracts, and deeds that are legally binding on the parties involved.

Among the array of documents we assist in drafting, a few noteworthy examples include:

  • Co-founders agreements, Share Subscription Agreement (SSA), Shareholders Agreement (SHA), and Share Purchase Agreement (SPA), which lay down the terms and conditions governing ownership, rights, and obligations among stakeholders.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy, which outlines an organization’s commitment to social responsibility and sustainable business practices.
  • Policy under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, which establishes mechanisms for addressing and preventing instances of sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP), gift deeds, and other instruments governing employee incentives and benefits.
  • Preparation and alteration of charter documents such as Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA), which define the company’s constitution and governance structure.

Through meticulous attention to legal requirements and industry best practices, Zenaray ensures that these documents effectively serve their intended purposes while complying with applicable laws and regulations. Our aim is to empower organizations with robust and legally sound instruments that safeguard their interests and facilitate smooth operations.

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